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P R O F E S S I O N Á L   H O R S E   T R A N S P O R T   A N D   O T H E R   A N I M A L S


Let me introduce myself with some more information:

I started with my driving experience by working as a driver of the ambulance-car. In this two-yeared lifetime.
I had more than once´s fast driving and adrenaline in cese of reaching the accident as soon as posible, as fast as you could to rescue a man. These experiences included the confrontation with the bad state of people after the accidents,
the accidents effect and consequences. This had definitely influenced me to drive more carefully and sensibly.
Later in 1992, maybe because of this,
I became a personal driver of a government consultant. Today usually with a scoffing irony
I say it was my first experience with transporting the animals which took two years.

As a credit to the job I have at the moment I see my experience and practice with working in my own car repair service in past.
It basically means I can fix the car on the road if there is no serious damage. I can do the engine overhaul for example.
After eight years of having the car repair service I turned to a nice and with a man unexpected job.
My second daughter was born and I started with the maternity leave instead of my wife.

I do the animal transport since that.
Of course it was just occasionally at the beginning (according to my maternal programme) but at the moment it is a proper job!


If you travelled with me and you will fill the form bellow you are going to get 2, 5% off for your next journey with us.

Your name: *

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Here you can write your references, ideas, asks, issues or maybe acknowledgements:

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I agree with my comment may be shown on this webpage.

I will get your asks and references by an e-mail and I will try to answer them.
Thanks for the confidence you gave my. Best regards. Brona Sup.

* If you don´t fill these information schedules it will be quit complicated for me to answer.

The animal transport set (2009)
movie from exhibition (video)

The new transport set for animals was revealed on the Agro fairs and National exhibition
of agro techniques and farm animals held on 25 - 28. 06. 2009, at Brno Trade Fairs (BVV Veletrhy Brno, a.s.).
This transport set is unique in the whole European Union.

There were also two competitions in the title ?the best showpiece of the exhibition".
The first was given by Trade Fairs Brno (BVV Veletrhy Brno, a.s) and the other was given by the Agro magazine (Zemědělský týdeník). In both cases this set was awarded as absolutely the best in these categories.
It received both golden medals.

New car       New car       New car

For me as an exhibitor it was the first exhibition ever.
It was quite a responsibility and challenge to get everything ready in time.
My original aim when entering the competition was to become more known among the professional and secular public.
I really didn´t mean to win the golden medals - I only wanted compare myself with the competition from abroad.
It was a great honour for me to be awarded by the official promoter of the event and the main medial partner of the exhibition.

The point I would like to say is that this gained award is especially for the animals and for you,
the customers I´m going to work with. From now on you can try and find out about the quality of the transport set and later agree with the authorities who gave me the award.

Now when it is over I would like to thank to all of the partners who cooperate and team-up with me to reach this success together. Once more - thank you all! Let´s have another good time together.

The animal transport set (2010)
Za loňské vítězství na NVHZZT
jsem dostal pozvání na TECHAGRO

S radostí jsem přijal pozvání na jednu z největších výstav v ČR.

New car

09. 07. 2009 - Mgr. Jana Smolková - projekt manager,
Brno Trade Fairs Fairs (BVV Veletrhy Brno, a.s.).

Congratulations and thank you for taking part at Agro fairs and National exhibition of agro techniques and farm animals.

09. 07. 2009 - MVDr. Jan Bernardy - Veterinary federation at the University of Veterinary and Pharmacy, Brno (Komora Veterinárních lékařů, Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita v Brně)
Congratulations for the gold medal at Agro fairs and National exhibition of agro techniques and farm animals.


22. - 23. září 2009
16. odborná konference s mezinárodní účastí
- Ochrana zvířat a welfare 2009

Zaměření: Konference je zaměřena na aktuální otázky ochrany a welfare hospodářských zvířat, zvířat v zájmových chovech, volně žijících zvířat včetně zvířat v zoologických zahradách a pokusných zvířat.

Konference s mezinárodní účastí byla uspořádána Fakultou veterinární hygieny a ekologie Veterinární a farmaceutické univerzity v Brně poprvé 5. října 1994. Konference vznikla z podnětu tehdejšího pracovníka Státní veterinární správy ČR MVDr. Jiřího Douska a z pokynu tehdejšího děkana Fakulty veterinární hygieny a ekologie Doc. MVDr. Vladimíra Večerka, CSc. Tím byla založena tradice každoročního setkávání českých i zahraničních odborníků z řad pracovníků státních orgánů ochrany zvířat, veterinární a chovatelské praxe, univerzit a dalších vzdělávacích institucí, výzkumných ústavů, nevládních neziskových organizací a dalších zájemců o danou problematiku. Od počátku byla významným spolupořadatelem konference Ústřední komise pro ochranu zvířat, od roku 1999 je konference pořádána také ve spolupráci se Státní veterinární správou ČR. Organizátorem konference je nyní Ústav veřejného veterinárního lékařství a toxikologie Fakulty veterinární hygieny a ekologie VFU Brno.
20. 07. 2009 - Alena Ježková
ZEMEDELEC - professional agro magazine
Golden medal for the unique new set for animal transport

17. 06. 2008 - Jana Pechová
PRÁVO - Jižní Morava - Vysočina - str. 12
The Zoo of Jihlava is the supply of white leopards

18. 10. 2008 - Ivana Karásková
MF DNES - South Moravia - str. 04
Man had made his dream come true: He transports horses, donkeys and leopards
titul MF Dnes 18. 10. 2008


11. 04. 2011 - Lukáš Valášek
MF DNES - Jižní Morava - str. B3
Úroveň přepravy zvířat je v Česku žalostná, říká soukromník

titul MF Dnes 11. 04. 2011


Put the cursor on the green node is the moment you have an answer to your posts.

Sometimes it happens that a person wants a horse to be transported in time when I already do have another reservation. I´m really happy that I don't need to refuse that customer because I have the possibility to ask my colleague Brona Sup for help. (SupSemSupTam - menas Cha-Cha-Cha). It is a person who fulfils my images about a professional animal and horse transporter. I don´t need to be afraid someone wouldn't agree with his way of job he does. Actually I like to cooperate with Brona because, apart form the qualities that any good transporter should have, he has got an internal effort to improve himself and his offer including the attitude to they are always ?well minded". Bye, see you Cechulda
Pavel Čechovsky - Horse Taxi.

answer < my reactions

Hello, I would like to thank you for the transport of me and my horse from Hranice to Ruprechtov. I´m completely satisfied with your service, attitude, goodwill and patience. If I will in future need a transport again I´ll certainly go for you. You really have been helpful. Thank you once again! Best regards
Jitka Grycová, Ruprechtov.
Dear Mr.Sup, I finally reached your website today. I really like it. Once more I would like to thank you for the professional attitude and care while transporting my horse from Hnanice to Znojmo. I thing I had a quite lucky hand picking you as the transporter. Me and my horse are not going to travel anywhere at the moment but if we will we will ask you. Thank you very much. I wish you had a good luck on the road and with the customers. Regards.
Jitka Grycová, Ruprechtov. Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

This is my way to thank for the transport of a young and inexperienced horse in a way he had no negative experience during the journey. Mr.Sup transported the horse on its own and without my help with the most of reliability. So the SupSemSupTam is well proved!
Dana Vahalová, Nový Jičín.

answer< my reactions

Dear Mr.Sup, I´d like to thank you again for transporting our four pets: a mare Blanka, only a month-and-a-half! Old foal Zofka, donkey stallion Jura and the sheep Ester. Thank you especially for driving so carefully and for your thoughtful way. Personally I´m quite grateful for bringing us here to the lonesome wild countryside. It´s probably not a standard to drive through the fields. Thanks again and see you soon next times with SupSemSupTam!
Michel Foster, Nedvězí u Semil.

answer< my reactions

Hello Mr.Sup, first I have to apologize I write the message after a month. I couldn´t earlier. Thank you again for the huge patience when loading our young horse on!!! You were quite incredible!!! I will never forget those six hours... I think hardly anybody would keep it so here is my another big ?thank you". I´m happy I chose you for transporting him. Make sure we will contact you in future. Best regards and friendly greetings,
Jiří Trávníček, Olomouc.

answer< my reactions

Dear Brona Sup, I´m happy that I finally found a person that fits my conception of a good and professional horse transporter. Finally there´s someone who has a complete documentation for export and import of horses in the CZ and knows all about it - someone who save my time and money! Thanks for professionalism, patience and cooperation. SupSemSupTam best to recommend to everybody.
Pavel Ziegler, Slavkov u Brna.

answer< my reactions

Hello, I would really like to thanks to Mr.Sup for transporting my two-year old mare to the veterinary clinic. I can fully recommend his service. Thanks,
Marie Navrátilová, Popovice.

answer< my reactions

Dear Mr.Sup, you transported for us a herd of sheep from Brno to Caslav. On the way back you took one naughty ram. We would like to thank you for the best service and for you personally - as you are nice and friendly person. We will keep recommending you!
Zachovi, Paběnice. Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

Hello, this is my way to say thank you to Mr.Sup for an easy going transport. At first for the professional loading of a horse who doesn´t like the trailer so much... despite we are really practising ?roping on". Thanks
Saša Belkovová, Brno. Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

Hello, I would really like to thank you for a professional attitude, patience, safe journey and good mood without a drop of stress during the whole journey while transporting my mare. It helped my mare while loading and I enjoyed it during the whole journey. I can REALLY RECOMMEND this service to the others... Next times I will choose you for sure. Thanks and see you soon,
Renáta Kawuloková, Havířov. Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

Hello, I would really like to thank Mr. Sup for the time flexibility while transporting us. I was very satisfied.
Ema Jančářová, Brno Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

Hello, I´m going to repeat myself but I would really like to thank you again. The journey was unexpected - we had to hurry up to the vet´s clinic. Though Mr.Sup came as quickly as possible and made my horse´s suffering shorter. Thank you, also for him.
Saša Belkovová, Brno. Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

Dear Brona Sup, I would like to thank you for transporting my stubborn fjord-hucul mixed pony and for respecting his character - I was the most stressed out one - not the horse! I´m looking forward to travel with you again in April because I´m sure it is going to be all right!
Hana Dvořáčková, Brno. Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

Hello, I´m adding my references a little late. Last year we did a long journey with Bronislav and my horse from Moravia to Krkonose Mountains. I have to say the horse was relaxed and all right because Mr. Sup was driving carefully and made a good preparation. My horse is ok with entering the trailer since that. Thanks again for a super-trip and we wish you lots of happy kilometres with no troubles in future. .
Hana Vítová , Dvůr Králové nad Labem . Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

Mr. Sup... the 2.nd of July 2008 you transported a haflinger mare with a one and half year old foal for my friend. I think my friend and I were both surprised and we can recommend you for sure. Travelling with you was fun for us and nice for horses. Thanks again... Dominika Vodáková and Jana Geršiová
Domika Vodáková, Vlasatice.

answer< my reactions

Dear Mr.Sup. I did like your web pages but the transport itself was far better than my expectations. I really appreciate your professionalism, patience and flexibility in time that was very helpful while transporting our young mare at night. Thanks and we´re looking forward for the next journey.
Lenka Doleželová, Ruprechtov. Vlož smajla :-)

answer< my reactions

Hello, I would like to thank to Mr.Sup for a professional attitude at transporting my horse. I can recommend his service to everybody. No trouble.
Šárka Knotová, Lužná u Rakovníka. Vlož smajla :-)

answer< my reactions

After a longer time - but I have to say a big thanks to this transporter for his above standard services. He transported for us nine big ostriches from 300km destination with no stress. Everything was all right and he is very nice and kind!. Thanks and I´m sending another customer to you... see you soon.
Romana Formánková, FOX-MEN s.r.o. , Hamr na Jezeře.Vlož smajla :-PVlož smajla :-PVlož smajla :-P

answer< my reactions

Hello, I didn´t use transport with Brona for the first and either for the last time! He is driving carefully and he is an animal lover which is something you will appreciate for sure. I wish to him lots of satisfied customers and kilometres without accidents!
Petra Ondrová a Dantes, Brno.Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

Hello, we don´t have our own vehicle to transport our horses. On one hand we need to invest the money in other things and on the other hand there´s a lot of good animal transporters in our country. Mr.Sup is one of the supreme ones for sure. He apparently loves animals and horses and he has a long time experience. He transports all horses with love and care they deserve... Beyond that, he is a nice person with whom you can speak easily almost about anything during the journey. And as a bonus he is actually not so expensive! It is worth seeing his web pages and photo gallery. Thanks a lot... me, my mare Sally who got used to us and a mare Bara who finally has a new friend and teacher. The journey was really nice.
Elen Štolfová , Jaroslavice u Znojma.Vlož smajla :-)Vlož smajla ;-)

answer< my reactions

Hello, this is my way to say thank you to Mr.Sup who did a professional transport of Shetland ponies from Great Britain for us. The horses had the best care for the whole time of the transport. The journeys we will need to do the next season will be with him again. We are looking forward to bring new horses next times.
Renata Marková, Hřebčín Markes , Rosice u Brna .

answer< my reactions

Hello, we use service of Mr.Sup regularly to transport pigs and we are always satisfied. Mr.Sup is a professional, his documents and stuff are always all right, and he is reliable and unusually for these days a nice gentleman. His vehicles are far behind the standard as well as the technical equipment. If you are looking for a reliable and professional transporter for your animals, Mr.Sup is the right one. We recommend him!
Jana Krupicová , TOPIGS CZ, s.r.o. , Brno .

answer< moje reakce

Děkuji vám ze přepravu. Přeprava proběhla rychle a profesionálně. Doporučím vás dál.
Lena Truchlá , Mokrá .Vlož smajla :-)

answer< my reactions

dobry den, nozaj sa vam chcem podakovat za prepravu mojich koni, boli ste skveli. mozem vrelo odporucit vsetkym co vahaju, toto je najlepsi vyber. aj sa mi zda ze chybate lojzovi a amelke, tak snad sa o par rokov znova uvidime. 
Katarina Dvorakova, Aberyswyth GB. Vlož smajla ;-)

answer< my reactions

Přeprava mojí kobylky firmou Šup sem šup tam, byla bez chyby. Přistavený vozík byl neskutečně čistý a vybavený kamerovým a větracím systémem. Přepravce se snažil najít co nejkratší cestu a vrátil mi peníze, které jsem zaplatil předem navíc. Kobylka nebyla po 400 km dlouhé cestě unavená a dorazila na místo v pořádku. Nemusela jsem ji na cestě doprovázet. Pan Šup měl sebou dokonce vodu a pamlsky a ke koni se choval velmi ohleduplně. Věděl si rady i s nakládáním problematické kobylky. Vřele doporučuji služby pana Šupa každému, komu na jeho koni záleží nebo nemá čas se o koníka sám postarat.
Radka Hájková, Bzenec . Vlož smajla :-D

answer< my reactions

Pan Šup je opravdu přepravní borec Vlož smajla :-D spolehlivej, přesnej a srandy kopec. Bylo nám ctí, že nám přepravoval naše bílé holkyVlož smajla ;-)Někdy nashledanou Vlož smajla ;-)

Petra Navrátilová, Lukovany .

answer< my reactions


Bronislav Sup
ICQ: 277967349
Skype: bronasup

Smolin 15 (Maps)
691 23 Pohorelice, CZ
Cell: +420 777 822 690
tel./fax: +420 774 424 835

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